Metacity Datatown / MVRDV

Can we understand the contemporary city at a moment when globalization has exploded its scale beyond our grasp? Have we lost control of its quantities or can we analyse its components and manipulate them? Imagine a city that is described only by data. A city that wants to be explored only as information. A city that knows no given topography, no prescribed ideology, no representation, no context. Only huge, pure data: Metacity/Datatown. What are the implications of this city? To what conclusions can it lead? What agenda for architecture and urbanism could this numerical approach provoke? This book wants to examine that agenda. Metacity/Datatown was conceived by Winy Maas. It has been researched and produced by MVRDV, the authors of FARMAX. De fictieve, slechts door gegevens beschreven stad Metacity/Datatown kent geen vaste topografie, geen voorgeschreven ideologie, geen representatie en geen context. De implicaties van een dergelijke stad worden onderzocht en ontwikkeld door MVRDV. 

Metacity Datatown. MVRDV. 010 Publishers. Amsterdam, 1999.